Rhyme, poetry, limericks, haiku and more word stuff

Scribbling, rhyming and writing, inspired by pictures and other blogs. Here you find the links to comments I spread through the internet, trying to communicate about the pictures, paintings and other stuff I find on the web.

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Location: Eesveen, Holland, Netherlands

Searching and learning.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

a christmas haiku

Christmas in 17 syllables

Needles failed to save
Us from cutting that tree from
Its cradle of earth



Blogger Pan Haiku Review said...

Well, I don't have a christmas tree haiku, but card is from trees! ;-)

the sticky label
over the christmas card
the new boyfriend’s name

Raku Teapot: Haiku
Raku Teapot Press/White Owl Publishing, California 2003
Book: 1-891691-03-1 ; CD: 1-891691-04-X

Yep, I was the new boyfriend, a few years back, & she let me write a haiku about it! ;-)

8:39 PM  

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