Rhyme, poetry, limericks, haiku and more word stuff

Scribbling, rhyming and writing, inspired by pictures and other blogs. Here you find the links to comments I spread through the internet, trying to communicate about the pictures, paintings and other stuff I find on the web.

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Location: Eesveen, Holland, Netherlands

Searching and learning.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

A space haiku

Space is limited
In a haiku, so it's hard
To finish what you

a haiku from the unknown zenmaster shoduka

Jaap send it to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. this one tickles me.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Pan Haiku Review said...

Ah, but haiku is like a tardis! ;-)

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol what does that mean???

3:34 AM  

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